Nieuws / News
- Nu / Current
- Binnenkort / Upcoming
- Overig nieuws / Other news
- Spotlight
- Elders (onze kunstenaars buiten de galerie) / Elsewhere (our artists on other locations)
Nu / Current
Jus Juchtmans (BE)
20230303 (2023)
Acrylic on linen, 50 x 45 cm
John Van Oers (BE)
Sea Wall Antenna (2024)
Plaster, steel, pigment, pencil, 20,8 x 20,3 x 8,7 cm
Dave Meijer
Ateliervenster / Studio Window [04] - 2024
Oil on canvas/panel, 21 x 30 cm
Binnenkort / Upcoming
‘10 out of 10’
01/03 > 22/03 & 03/04 > 12/04 *
Zaterdag 8 maart, 14.00 - 17.00 uur
Saturday, March 8, 2 - 5 PM
* De galerie is gesloten tijdens Art Rotterdam (27-30 maart) / The gallery is closed during Art Rotterdam (March 27 - 30)
Groupshow with our 10 female artists
Monika Dahlberg - Tamara Dees - Mirjam Hagoort - Ingrid van der Hoeven - Henriëtte van 't Hoog
Ditty Ketting - Nanda Runge - Martha Scheeren - Clary Stolte - Anne Rose Regenboog
28/03 > 30/03
Overig nieuws / Other news
Papieren uitnodiging / Paper invitations
Wij versturen voorlopig geen papieren uitnodigingen meer.
Wilt u toch op de hoogte blijven van onze activiteiten? Meld u, via de contactpagina, vrijblijvend aan voor onze digitale nieuwsbrief.
We are no longer sending out paper invitations for the time being.
Would you still like to be kept informed of our activities? Sign up for our digital newsletter via the contact page.
Gallery Viewer
Gallery Viewer is het online platform waarop kunstcollecties van toonaangevende galeries in Nederland en België te bezichtigen zijn.
Op de site is informatie te vinden over kunstenaars en kunstwerken, nieuwe galerietentoonstellingen en artikelen over de kunstsector.
Galerie van den Berge heeft op Gallery Viewer een eigen pagina met een select overzicht van beschikbare werken van haar kunstenaars.
Gallery Viewer is the online platform where art collections of leading galleries in the Netherlands and Belgium can be viewed.
On the site you can find information about artists and artworks, new gallery exhibitions and articles about the art sector.
Gallery van den Berge has its own page on Gallery Viewer with a select overview of available works by its artists.
Meerdere keren per maand belichten wij een kunstwerk uit de galeriestock of tentoonstelling.
Several times a month we highlight a work of art from the gallery stock or exhibition.
Frank Halmans (NL)
Gebilde 37 (2023) - Cyclus, keuken/eetkamer/toilet - Cycle, kitchen/dining room/toilet
Koper, brons, staal, lak / Brass, bronze, steel, lacquer
56 x 20 x 25 cm
Elders / Elsewhere
Presentaties van onze kunstenaars buiten de galerie / Our artists on other locations
Wij adviseren wij u vóór uw bezoek contact op te nemen met de organiserende instelling.
We recommend that you contact the organising institution before your visit.
Martha Scheeren (NL)
With a.o. Christoph Dahlhausen, Nikola Dimitrov, Christian Herdeg, Miriam Prantl, Roland Reiter, Hanna Roeckle, Dirk Salz
Galerie am Lindenplatz, Städtle 20, 9490 Vaduz - Liechtenstein
23/11 > 08/02
Jus Juchtmans (BE)
Eisbar mit Farbe
ARCHE NOAH - Sammlung Kunst & Natur
Curator: Christoph Dahlhausen
Baumler Park - Markus Sittikus Strasse 20 6845 Hohenems (AT)
05/10/2024 > 15/03/2025
Arche Noah
Jan van Munster (NL)
Solo exhibition
Slewe Gallery, Amsterdam (NL)
07/12/2024 > 19/01/2025
Jan van Munster (NL)
Thematic group show
Fath Contemporary, Mannheim (DE)
23/01 > 01/03 2025
Jan van Munster (NL)
In six chapters, the exhibition paints a multifaceted picture of the examination of the elements in the 20th century. Works by Joseph Beuys, Marcelle Cahn, Robert Delaunay, Max Ernst, Kazuo Katase, Frantisek Kupka, Alicja Kwade, Roy Lichtenstein, El Lissitzky, Jan van Munster, Louise Nevelson, Otto Piene, Jackson Pollock, Ljubow Popowa, Thomas Ruff and Günther Uecker are presented, among others.
Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen (DE)
Until 21/04/2025
Jan van Munster (NL)
Group show with works by more than 40 internationally renowned artists, who aim to present light as a physical and natural phenomenon as well as an indicator of technological development.
Light Art Museum, Budapest (HU)
Until 01/07/2025